Methodology of Data Collection

The research conducted by Greater Saint Paul BOMA and the resulting information and data presented on this website are the sole property of this Association. We use valid and reliable methods to ensure our research is reasonably accurate, however, we can’t guarantee all the information presented is completely accurate. To gather and compile our data, we use the following parameters, resources and processes.

Reporting Area

All research reported for downtown Saint Paul is collected from an area within the following geographic boundaries*:

  • Hwy 52 to Lafayette Rd, continuing north to University Ave.
  • University Ave. west to Marion St.
  • South on Marion to Kellogg Blvd, continuing south and east to 35E.
  • 35E to Grand Ave.
  • Grand Ave. east to Smith Ave.
  • Smith Ave. south to the river.
  • Cross the river to Plato Blvd. and continue east to Hwy 52.

Office Market Data

Commercial office, government and healthcare space are self-reported on an annual basis each summer through our Market Report survey.


Residential information is provided by Maxfield Research, Inc.


Our retail data is collected through direct observation.  The survey is conducted on a bi-annual basis.

Reporting Period

All data is effective as of August 1 of the reporting year.

*There are several buildings which are outside of the designated downtown boundaries that have historically been included in the office market data. We will continue to report these properties. (see map)